Sicily is an opera

Sicily is the essence of Italy, in the sense that everything Italian is intensified here. All that you either love or hate about Italy, you’ll find in its purest form here, on this island shaped by a still active volcano, once a kingdom, now one of the poorest areas of Italy. Take visual trip together…

Mont Ventoux – Conquering the Bald Mountain

Immortalised through decades of Tour de France and forming a conspicuous part of the Provençal landscape, Mont Ventoux is more than a mountain. It’s been nicknamed “Beast of Provence”, “The Bald Mountain” and “Provence’s Fujiyama” but fact is, that Mont Ventoux means Windy Mountain. And when the Mistral is blowing, it certainly is! Classified by UNESCO…

Hunt for the White Truffle of San Miniato

In the rustic hinterland of San Miniato in Tuscany, oak trees, willows and hazels cultivate among their roots the finest mushroom that can be found: The White Truffle of San Miniato. In latin known as Tuber Magnatum Pico, this much-coveted “diamond of the kitchen” is one of the most expensive truffles in the world. A chilly November morning we…

Wine Touring in Tuscany – Chianti

To enjoy a wine tour on your own, bring along a lot of time and a little sense of adventure. In a world full of deadlines and schedules, enjoy the freedom of not having an itinerary. Now and then, take some small diversions from the main road to some minor ones. Just do what you…

The Most Beautiful Libraries of Tuscany

What a cathedral is for the religious, so is the library for the cultivated. A place where you can find peace, quiet and insights into earthly and otherworldly questions. The accumulated knowledge of millions of people through thousands of years are lined on the bookshelves, ready to enlighten you on whatever subject you pick down…

Hidden Beneath the Seats – The Artisan’s Playground

The History and Mysteries of Europe’s Misericords Part III by Dave Douglas Davis If you’re in luck and look closely, maybe next time you’re in a church, you can spot a so-called Misericord, or Mercy Seat, under the seats of the folding choir chairs. They were used by the monks throughout the Middle Ages as…

Three World War II Sites in Rome

With so much ancient history in Rome, few people associate the city with a war as recent as WWII. It is as if the thousand-year-old monuments and Roman ruins demand more attention than events that occurred while our grandparents were still alive. And that’s a shame. Not because we should linger on war, but must remember…